Based on instructions given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, this practice can be done to bless the animals in any body of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, and ponds. The blessing is done by reciting powerful mantras of Chenrezig and Namgyalma, plus other mantras, then blowing into the clean water before pouring the blessed water into the body of water with animals. Mantra boards such as Namgyalma Mantra board, if available, can be put into the body of water during the practice.
"All the creatures in the ocean have been human beings, just like me. But because they did not practice Dharma and subdue their minds, they have been reborn as animals. Thus their present suffering bodies are the result of their unsubdued minds. I would not want their body for even a second. Since I get upset when I see even a small sign of aging in my body, such as one more wrinkle on my face, how could I stand to have the body of one of these animals? There is no way I could stand it.
"I must free all these animals from all their suffering and its causes and lead them to enlightenment. To free all sentient beings from their obscurations and lead them to enlightenment, I must achieve enlightenment. There is no other way. To do that, I must practice the six perfections. Therefore, I am going to give Dharma to the animals in the ocean by blessing them with the mantras of Chenrezig, Namgyalma, and so forth."
20 pages, 2022 edition.
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