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Exalted Stainless Beam Totally Pure Light mantra was translated as Zung of the Completely Pure Stainless Light Mantra in the past, Tib. phag pa 'od zer dri ma med pa rnam par dag pa'i ‘od ces bya ba'i gzungs.
The commentary includes some benefits as stated in the scriptures and also by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Some benefits of the mantra are as follows:
Talking to a person who has recited this mantra purifies even the five heavy negative karmas without break. Just hearing the voice of a person who has recited this mantra, being touched by their shadow, or touching their body purifies negative karmas collected in this and past lives. If you recite this mantra, you won’t be harmed by poison, spirits, lightning, and so forth. All the buddhas will protect you, Chenrezig will look after you, and all the devas and those who are living in samaya will support you. You won’t be harmed by black magic mantras, rituals, and substances. If this mantra is put inside a stupa, the negative karmas of anyone who sees the stupa, hears of it, touches it, or is touched by earth, dust, or wind that has touched it, are purified. They won’t be reborn in the lower realms and instead will be born as happy transmigratory beings.
4 pages, Revised 2024.