This audio features Lama Zopa Rinpoche reciting the Holy Name Mantra That Fulfills Wishes.
The Holy Name Mantra That Fulfills Wishes is the mantra of Tathagata Earth-Holder King. It is said that whoever memorizes the name of this tathagata and the words of this mantra will have all their wishes fulfilled without exception.
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Amoghapasha, is a deity connected to Avalokiteshvara (Tib. Chenrezig), the Buddha of Compassion. There are unbelievable benefits in just seeing his image and reciting his mantra. (can link to the image here) Recalling this Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha mantra just once has the power to purify even the five uninterrupted negative karmas. It prevents rebirth in Avici, the heaviest of hells.
Whoever sees, hears, remembers, or touches this mantra will be purified of all negativities and gain freedom from rebirth in the lower realms—from the Ksitigarbha Dasacakra Sutra.
The Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha mantra is also included in the collection of the Five Powerful Mantras for Liberating Sentient Beings from the Lower Realms, and the Ten Powerful Mantras for the Time of Death.
Here is an explanation of the meaning of the mantra by Geshe Ngawang Dakpa.
1 page, 2020 edition.