This audio album was extracted from the teachings of The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra at the Mexico retreat hosted by Khamlungpa Center in Guadalajara, Mexico, September 2015.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches:
"Any of the realizations cannot directly cut the root of samsara, the root of oceans of samsaric suffering. Ignorance which is the root of all the oceans of samsaric suffering, no bodhicitta, infinite compassion towards sentient beings, any realization cannot directly cut. The only thing that can directly cut is the wisdom realizing emptiness. So emptiness is explained in the teachings and it is found condensed in the Heart Sutra.
"If we are able to read or hear it just one time, the positive imprint left by this definitely causes us in the near future to understand much more easily the teachings on emptiness. We will be able to understand the words and the meanings of the teachings on emptiness very easily and we’ll be able to have realizations of emptiness easily, quickly in the future. Developing that wisdom ceases the gross and subtle defilements, the mistakes of the mind, and it makes us to achieve the sorrowless state, the cessation of the suffering and its causes on our mental continuum, as well as great liberation even from the subtle mistakes of the mind, that which is full enlightenment on our own mental continuum."
Audio Sample: