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Because of her swift compassionate activity, practitioners throughout time have relied on Arya Tara to help them overcome both inner and outer obstacles, and to attain the ultimate goal of enlightenment as well as temporal aims.
Translated from the collection of Zungdu (Dharani) in the Kangyur, this Mantra Promised by Arya Mother Liberator Herself can be used for dispelling obstacles and achieving success.
From the colophon in Zungdu:
“Just by remembering this mantra, all fears will be dispelled. You will achieve all realizations. You will have control over all sentient beings. Make extensive offerings to Arya Tara on the white dates of the eigth and fifteenth [of the Tibetan lunar month], then recite the mantra until you see Tara directly. Whatever you wish will be granted. All sublime realizations will be granted. If this doesn’t happen, it means that I, [Tara], have committed the five heavy negative karmas without break. In addition, you will receive inconceivable benefits.”
2 pages, 2021 edition.