One of the most powerful purification practices in the Tibetan tradition, the Nyungne—devoted to Thousand-armed Chenresig, Bodhisattva of Compassion—originates from the extraordinary accomplishments of the eleventh-century mahasiddha, Bhikshuni Lakshmi (Gelongma Palmo). Doing just one Nyungne is said to be as effective as doing three months of other purification practices. It is especially powerful for healing illness, purifying negative karma, and opening the heart to compassion. The two-day retreat involves observing the Mahayana precepts, and complete fasting and silence on the second day.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche's instructions on the order of prayers for the Nyungne retreat have been applied in this 2024 update of the practice book that was released in 2015. The common prayers in the FPMT collection that have been reviewed and amended since 2015 replace any previous versions used.
Contents include:
Nyungne sadhana
Lamrim Prayers
Prayers to Chenrezig
Additional Prayers
Stories of the Nyungne Lineage Gurus
1 Arranging the Essential Bases
2 Notes about the Mahayana Ordination
3 Mudras for the Nyungne Practice
4 Modes of Meditation
5 Notes on Mantra Recitation
6 Instructions
7 Performing the Offering Bath
8 Avalokitesvara
9 Notes on the Long Dhara?i
10 Chantable Prayers
Contents page and page number references contains hyperlinks for a better user experience.
252 pages, 2024 Edition.