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Wisdom Publications eBooks
> Steps on the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1 eBook
Steps on the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1 eBook
Steps on the Path to Enlightenment Vol. 1 eBook
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Steps on the Path to Englightenment Vol. 1 - A Commentary on Tsongkhapa's Lamrim Chenmo: The Foundation Practices
By Geshe Lhundub Sopa with David Patt
The first volume of a much-anticipated, comprehensive commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo by the renowned Buddhist scholar, Geshe Sopa. This landmark commentary on what is perhaps the most elaborate and elegant Tibetan presentation of the Buddhist path offers a detail overview of Buddhist philosophy which will be especially invaluable for those who want to enact the wisdom of the Buddha in their lives.
In the Lamrim Chenmo, Tsongkhapa explains the path in terms of the three levels of practitioners, those of small capacity who seek happiness in future lives, those of medium capacity who seek liberation from the cycle of suffering, and those of great capacity who seek full enlightenment in order to benefit all beings. This volume covers the topics common to the first level: Tsongkhapa's explanations of the role of this teacher, his exhortation to take the essence of human existence, the contemplation of death and future lives, and going for the refuge.
Given his vast knowledge and his experience in both the Tibetan and Western contexts, Geshe Sopa is the ideal commentator for this work for the modern student of Tibetan Buddhism.
2004 edition. 581 pages.
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